International Mieczysław Weinberg Society
c/o Prof. Linus Roth
Leopold – Mozart – Zentrum
University Augsburg
Maximilianstraße 59
86150 Augsburg
The International Mieczysław Weinberg Society is a non-profit association according to German law.
Member Contributions:
€ 40.- single person
€ 50.- married couples
€ 20.- retired person / students
ab 100,- € sponsoring member
1. chairman of the board: Linus Roth
2. chairman of the board: Thomas Sanderling
Board members: Kevin Kleinmann, Bertrand Dermoncourt, Emmanuel Utwiller
Bank connection for donations:
Internationale Weinberg Society e.V.
Kreissparkasse München
IBAN: DE11701500001003711254
Anmeldung / Application Weinberg Society
SEPA Basis-Lastschriftmandat
Satzung / Statutes
All photos of Mieczysław Weinberg provided by Tommy Persson; copyright: Olga Rakhalskaya
Photo used for Profile of Weinberg Society: copyright Tommy Persson
Background photos of Weinberg´s music: copyright by Peermusic Classical